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Chrystal - creatioNINAction - Hamburg

I was quite EXCITED i got tickets for my favourite violinist Ray Chen for the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. An impressive building near the river Elbe. It was quite spontanious, i saw i, booked it, and booked a flight too for the week after - nice gift for me i thought. Of course after i booked the flight i got the information take a chrystal with you. Ok, of course work to do, now i have just have to figure out the puzzelpieces than. I got the neccesasary information - not long after- Asiaconnection - Dragon - Water - Kehrwiederspitze - Unity - i got the place: Kehrwiederspitze (point of comingback) - how the other themes fitted in i learned on the wayto our restaurant - the area around Kehrwiederespitze the Streetnames of Asian Cities and a Chinese Shippingcompany nearby - i worked for them actually 25 years ago.

The Dragonenergy came in through a story a friend told me who lived in that area - these where just confirmations for me for the place.

We couldn`t get behind the Elbphilharmony, so we choosed the best option from a boatsdock nearby and asked the waterconsciousness, the sea and the animals to bring it to the neccessary place. It worked so well again, when i gave the chrystal into the water a bunch of dolphins (energetically ) arrived, i greeted them, thanked them and where so happy. Off into the concerthall. From inside it is structured/ build like a beecube - so let`s buzzzzzzz.

i satt on my place and looked around - there where some free seats all around the musicalhall - i thought what a pitty - but than my fokus changed and i tuned in dimensional - Angels with instruments arrived and it where full house too -the empty places where suddenly filled up with dimensional friends - they catched that i`ve seen them and began to wave and celebrate - what a view - they actually came for me, to honour the work we/i had done.

The orchestra started and i had tears in my eyes of gratitute. I stayed in the dimensional space/zone/focus and the room got filled up with water. The dolphins i met earlier came too and invited me to play, of course i loved that and swam and played whith them as a part of there group. A swirl apeared in the water and we svam through it - it was a portal - suddenly i found me in inner earth in an ocean there i saw land and people who waved for me and invited me to come to them. The Dolphines said bye, i thanked them and swam over to the beach. here i got a tea invitation - i enjoyed the company and than they mentioned a place they will bring me. We started walking and entered the entrance to a cave. - the next i got with me is that i see a point/top hanging in the air - up side down. I looked further and could see the structure of a pyramid -innerearthpart of the Pyramide of Europe which i worked with this summer. "You have to touch it for the last activation" - and i touched the toppoint with one finger and it startet to glow and light up. first the outer lines lightend up, so the whole pyramid and the lighting went further into the upper pyramid obove Europe - you are right of course - they are energetically and unseen for the most people. But now you can tune into them with your highest intentions - and the right frequencies. As well as into the pyramid about Africa which got created and activated in 2023. Enjoy your exploration - Maybe you get a job to do as well.

With that i gave my full focus to the music and experienced through, vibration with eyes and ears closed, through colours and with all senses open. What a ride.

We, my human friend P. and i closed this evening with a view over Kehrwiederspitze onto the place where the chrystal where placed and a fullmoon arriving at the nightsky, the citylights of Hamburg in the background and a little hummingconcert from the top of the world - at least it felt like that - bring in your BEE-ing /Be-ing. We felt blessed and drove home happy


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