This blogginnleg is inspired by a friend who mentioned it would be nice to experience like me for 1 second. At first my friend you bring wonderful qualities into this lifetime and walk your own path - with your being and work you let human bodies flourish and helping also me from time to time when our pathes cross. But of course i can relate to it because it is quite fun to experience through dimensions, life is offering a bigger variety of itself and in my opinion everybody is getting there through different pathes and with there own perception, because they bring the capacity already.
Just the question - how? Possibilities! Like many streets can bring you to one point of interest also many answers are excisting for you and it is your job to figure out your own answers in resonance with your being - and sometimes of course it is so much more fun to pair up for searching answers, amplitute /potentiate - i like this words.
Do they have any meaning for you?
To step a little moment in my shoes and my world of experience i share from yesterdays dimensional work.
I could not sleep well the night before it was the lionportal 8.8.2024. so i just took a look on my mobile a picture appeared in one of my feeds about a place in Turkey Hattusha a big green stone and a lionportal. It resonated. ok - my first thought - oh no do i have to travel again, just came home :-). Relax Nina. Ok i need more information and sent the picture of the place and stone to friends who work kind of energetically behind the scence like me. Any Ideas? I got my answers but actually needed some hours until the lightbulp moment appered and i figured out what to do. Ahhh ok , Work, Pinealgland, Earthkundalini, entrance greenstone, wind/breath. My information where clear. Thank you my dear friends, i always love our cocreation, intertwined work of many individuals around the globe, through the worlds and am always amazed how answers just pop up.
I got the worktask and the enterpoint. Of i went for my dimensional work it mostly unfold on the go. Inside the green stone i breathed as Atum ( the agyption god of the universe - in the german language we have also the word Atem-breath) on to the four walls of the stone from inside. They opened up, the floor opened up too and i got transported on another level. kind of dimensional innererthly. I saw the pinialgland and started to work with it with lightlanguage. pulsations of life went though it and a lightbeam appeared.
It went to to energetic pyramide we/i lay the chrystalformation (yes my friend you where a part of it too- deeply gratefull that you placed the heartchrystal in the north) i placed the centerpiece (chrystalheart in Paris and did the necessary work there for the activation The Pyramid of Europe in June 2024 before the olympics started and as a first stop before my journey went further to Asia and Australia. With this beam of light the second pyramide into/in Innerearth unfolded. I got the information before that this will happen after i am back from my Asian Australian wor journey but did not get further information for it. Here suddenly it was. As Above so below or like i love as above so be LOVE. 11 more lightbeams came out and activated innerearth pyramides around the world.
Where? do you ask me. I do not know - in my world i do not need to know everythink.
I did my work - now others will continue Hu-man creators or dimensional divine friends.
Maybe it will pop up again when i cocreate with a friend to do more work or special places get mentioned. with this 11 innerearth pyramide connections.
What i know / felt is 3x4 . Maybe i am getting more information maybe not.
I got the information no need to look further into it at the moment, but important to share with you - Now i am smiling.
Self if there is just information in this sharing for one person. Happy i could inspire you to get your answers. Answers are coming sometimes through unexpected sources and sudden connections.
Happy Daylight as a friend from Australia would say bring your Bee-ing into the world it is time. The picture above is taken on my journey this summer to Australia and one of the places which called me where Blue Mountains/ three sisters and if you tune into lionenergy you may can see/feel more than a stone. Connect with your being.
A lot of love on your way
Nina creation or creatioNINAction